Tuesday, May 31, 2016

My Boss, My Teacher The Movie

게시자 admin

My Boss, My Teacher

Drama Titles: My Boss, My Teacher


The original My Boss, My Hero hilarity came from the irony of a gangster in his 30s going to high school and attempting to get a diploma without revealing his criminal identity. The gangster, Kye Du-sik, tries to get along with his much younger classmates and ends up solving problems at the school.

In the sequel My Boss, My Hero 2, Kye has graduated and entered college. He is dispatched to a high school to work as a student teacher for four weeks.

The problems in high school are worse than the original. Kyu witnesses one especially corrupt teacher forge the scholastic documents of privileged students whose fathers are high-ranking politicians, and have a sexual relationship with a pupil.

Drama Stars:

Kim Sang Joong
Kim Sang Joong
Jung Woong In
Jung Woong In
Han Hyo Joo
Han Hyo Joo
Jung Joon Ho
Jung Joon Ho
Jung Woon Taek
Jung Woon Taek
playlist : 1

part 2

part 3

part 4

part 5

part 6

part 7

part 8

part 9

part 10

part 11

part 12

You can check this post also.[Here]

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