Sunday, May 29, 2016

Drama special - Spy Trader Kim Chul Soo's Recent Condition (2010)

게시자 admin

Drama special - Spy Trader Kim Chul Soo's Recent Condition (Movie)

Drama Titles: Drama special - Spy Trader Kim Chul Soo's Recent Condition (Movie)


Kim Chul Soo is a North Korean espionage operator who saved money for his mission by trading stocks. He frequents a coffee shop where cafe barista Lee Kyung, who harbors an unrequited love for him, works. One day, he receives a package of secretly-taken photos of himself in the mail. Who is watching him?

Category : Korean Movie

Status : Completed

Released : 2010

Genres : Action

Drama Stars:

Oh Man Suk
Oh Man Suk
Seo Hyun Chul
Seo Hyun Chul
Play List 2 - part 1

Play List 2 - part 2

Play List 2 - part 3,id,ip,ipbits,itag,lmt,mime,mm,mn,ms,mv,nh,pl,requiressl,source&signature=769CA6BF43607A5C2BC95F5B985949910EB94666.7D16723F7883EF6658E94C95187B26690D16C0F6&key=cms1&redirect_counter=1&req_id=3d0f008cb8ca3ee&cms_redirect=yes&mm=34&mn=sn-4g57kn6s&ms=ltu&mt=1463493717&mv=u&nh=IgpwcjA0LmZyYTE2KgkxMjcuMC4wLjE


You can check this post also.[Here]

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