Wednesday, June 1, 2016

On Next Sunday (2010)

게시자 admin

On Next Sunday (Movie)

Drama Titles: On Next Sunday (Movie)


Sora (Younha), a Korean high schooler, chases after a boy she likes who has moved to Japan for college. Unfortunately, after she gets there, she discovers that he has returned to Korea due to family circumstances. She remains in Japan, but things eventually end in heartbreak for Sora. Shortly after, she runs into an odd man called Matsumoto (Ichikawa), who works multiple jobs to pay off his debts but also spends his time gathering discarded glass bottles. With her video camera, she begins documenting Matsumoto and his bottles, and in the process, she regains her lost smile.

Drama Stars:

Play List 2 - part 1

Play List 2 - part 2,id,ip,ipbits,itag,lmt,mime,mm,mn,ms,mv,nh,pl,requiressl,source&signature=023E16B3E3B688E511A595905AFC767ACDAEF96C.1EE5BE34290D7ACF13C2BAC68D97E04577693959&key=cms1&redirect_counter=1&req_id=54315a5694b0a3ee&cms_redirect=yes&mm=34&mn=sn-4g5e6n7r&ms=ltu&mt=1463885712&mv=u&nh=IgpwcjA2LmZyYTE1KgkxMjcuMC4wLjE

Play List 2 - part 3

Play List 2 - part 4


You can check this post also.[Here]

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